2008 Conference: The Man of God | The Perseverance of the Pastor: a Longsuffering Man and Ministry The Man of God: The Perseverance of the Pastor, a Longsuffering Man and Ministry VideoThere is no video available for this conference session.Audio https://trinitypastorsconference.org/wp-content/uploads/conferencesessions/2008-The-Perseverance-of-the-Pastor-Hughes.mp3[dlaudio link=”https://trinitypastorsconference.org/wp-content/uploads/conferencesessions/2008-The-Perseverance-of-the-Pastor-Hughes.mp3″]Download Audio[/dlaudio] TextThere is no text available for this conference session.SPEAKERWilliam Hughes2008 CONFERENCE: THE MAN OF GODView all sessions