A Faithful Ministry 2016

Overview of Conference Sessions
The Three Components
of Saving Faith
Albert N. Martin
Faithful in God’s House,
Part 1, 2 & 3
David Chanski
Praying for Conversions
and Revival
Jeffery S. Smith
Ministerial Endurance,
Part 1 & 2
Jeffery S. Smith
Stewards are to be
Found Faithful
Albert N. Martin
A Faithful Ministry 2016
The Bible places a high value on faithfulness. God’s faithfulness undergirds His word and marks His actions. Having created man in His image, God requires His people to cultivate faithfulness. Pastors especially must strive to be faithful as stewards of the mysteries of God and shepherds of the flock of God. Our desire is to strengthen your resolve and your ability to exercise a faithful ministry to God and Jesus Christ.
David Chanski, Edward Donelly, William Hughes, Albert N. Martin, Jeffery S. Smith, Austin Walker